玉人吹箫 [ yù rén chuī xiāo ]
传说春秋时 秦 有 箫史 善吹箫,穆公 女 弄玉 慕之,穆公 遂以女妻之。
virtuoso piper wins a beauty; the xiao 箫 (mouth organ) virtuoso 萧史 won for his wife the beautiful daughter of Duke Mu of Qin 秦穆公
传说春秋时 秦 有 箫史 善吹箫,穆公 女 弄玉 慕之,穆公 遂以女妻之。
virtuoso piper wins a beauty; the xiao 箫 (mouth organ) virtuoso 萧史 won for his wife the beautiful daughter of Duke Mu of Qin 秦穆公