let me give you a little inside information about God. 我告诉你一点上帝的小秘密 God likes to watch. 上帝喜欢冷眼旁观

He's an absentee landlord!他 就像是不负责任的地主 Worship that? Never! 要我敬仰他?绝不! Better to reign in hell 宁可在地狱称王 than serve in heaven, is that it? 也不在天堂当奴仆 Why not? 不是吗?

Vanity, definitely my favorite sin.虚荣,无疑是我最爱的罪。

Who are you carrying all those bricks for?   你干嘛老是想不开呢?

Freedom, baby... is never having to say you're sorry.自由,孩子……就是永远不用说对不起。

What about love?那么爱呢? Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate. 被高估的东西,在化学上跟吃大量的巧克力没有区别。

Guilt is like a bag of fuckin' bricks. All ya gotta do is set it down. 恶感就是一袋子该死的砖块,你需做的就是抛掉它。

've nurtured every sensation man has been inspired to have! 我挑动了人性一切潜在的欲望

gag reel... ...he sets the rules in opposition. 他立下了相反的游戏规则 lt's the goof of all time. 史上最大的恶作剧 Look, but don't touch. 要你看得到,却不准碰 Touch, but don't taste. 碰到了,又不准吃 Taste, but don't swallow. 吃到了,却不准吞下去

And while you're jumping from one foot to the next, what is he doing? 当你犯规时,他做什么? He's laughing his sick fucking ass off! 他会乐不可支地嘲笑着你 He's a tightass! 这傢伙真是变态 He's a sadist! 简直是个虐待狂

He gives man... ...instincts.   他给了人类感情的直觉 He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does he do? 他给了你这种天赋,然后呢? l swear, for his own amusement... 我敢说,他为了自己的乐趣 ...his own private cosmic... 为了娱乐自己

l cared about what he wanted and l never judged him! 我满足了人类需求却不批判他

The worst vice is advice. 最坏的恶行就是建议。

Why? Because l never rejected him, 为什么?因为即使再顽劣的人 in spite of all his imperfections! 我也不会拒绝他

l'm a fan of man! 我是人类的支持者 l'm a humanist.   我是个人本主义者 I   rest   my case   我的话讲完了

l'm here on the ground with my nose in it 我从开天辟地以来 since the whole thing began! 就来到世上,深入人类生活