• 一,区别:

  • 询问指的是征求意见,打听;寻问指的是探索。

  • 二,详细释义:


    [拼音]  xún wèn

    [释义] 征求意见,打听。

    [构成]  并列式:询+问

    [例句]  询问病情。(作谓语)


    [拼音]  xún wèn

    [释义] 询问;探索。

    [例句]  元茂屯 的男男女女,老老少少,正在围着工作队寻问、欢呼、歌唱、跳着秧歌。

    [反义]  答辩


你好表示建议的常见句型: If I were you, I'll... We should... Why don't you ...? How about...? Let's... Maybe you'd better... Perhaps we can... Maybe you should...表示建议的句型1. Would you like / love sth.?这是一个很委婉的表示建议的句型,并带有与对方商量的意味,意为“你想要(做)……吗?”。

如:—Would you like to go to the cinema with me?—Yes. I'd like / love to.2. Shall I / we do sth.?此句型是用来提建议或征求对方意见的,意为“我(们)做……好吗?”,语气委婉,商量的语气较浓。

如:Shall we go to the zoo?3. Let's do sth.当你觉得可以直截了当地向对方提出建议,让对方和自己一起去做某事时,常用该句型,意为“咱们做……吧。

”该句型后常加附加问句“shall we?”,使语气更加委婉。

如:Let's listen to this tape, shall we?4. 主语+had better do sth..该句型用于表示对下级、晚辈的劝告,往往带有命令、强制的语气,意为“某人最好(不要)做某事”。

如:You'd better go to hospital at once.5. Why not do sth.?该句型是Why don't you / we do sth.?的省略式,表示向对方提出一种建议或询问某种原因,暗含有责备对方的意思,意为“为什么不……?”。

如:Why not go and ask your teacher?=Why don't you go and ask your teacher?6. What / How about sth.?如果是在讨论式的谈话中,可用该句型提出一个建议或引出一个新话题。

如:What about meeting outside the school gate?—My father is a worker.—What / How about your mother?7. 也可以祈使句表示建议。

用please do sth表示肯定性的建议。

用Don't do...来表示否定性的建议。

如:Please open the doorDon't play in the street.8.我们还可以用几个固定的短语来表示建议。

如:remember to do sth, try to do sth, Don't forget to do sth.Remember to hand in your homework after class.下课之后交上作业。

=Don't forget to hand in your homework.Try to translate the sentence.试着翻译一下这个句子。

8. 还可以用情态动词should 或者can表示建议。

如:You should arrive at the station brfore eight o'clock.你应该在八点之前到达车站。

You can go shopping or see a film after work.你可以下班之后去逛街或者看电影。



你好表示建议的常见句型: If I were you, I'll... We should... Why don't you ...? How about...? Let's... Maybe you'd better... Perhaps we can... Maybe you should...表示建议的句型1. Would you like / love sth.?这是一个很委婉的表示建议的句型,并带有与对方商量的意味,意为“你想要(做)……吗?”。

如:—Would you like to go to the cinema with me?—Yes. I'd like / love to.2. Shall I / we do sth.?此句型是用来提建议或征求对方意见的,意为“我(们)做……好吗?”,语气委婉,商量的语气较浓。

如:Shall we go to the zoo?3. Let's do sth.当你觉得可以直截了当地向对方提出建议,让对方和自己一起去做某事时,常用该句型,意为“咱们做……吧。

”该句型后常加附加问句“shall we?”,使语气更加委婉。

如:Let's listen to this tape, shall we?4. 主语+had better do sth..该句型用于表示对下级、晚辈的劝告,往往带有命令、强制的语气,意为“某人最好(不要)做某事”。

如:You'd better go to hospital at once.5. Why not do sth.?该句型是Why don't you / we do sth.?的省略式,表示向对方提出一种建议或询问某种原因,暗含有责备对方的意思,意为“为什么不……?”。

如:Why not go and ask your teacher?=Why don't you go and ask your teacher?6. What / How about sth.?如果是在讨论式的谈话中,可用该句型提出一个建议或引出一个新话题。

如:What about meeting outside the school gate?—My father is a worker.—What / How about your mother?7. 也可以祈使句表示建议。

用please do sth表示肯定性的建议。

用Don't do...来表示否定性的建议。

如:Please open the doorDon't play in the street.8.我们还可以用几个固定的短语来表示建议。

如:remember to do sth, try to do sth, Don't forget to do sth.Remember to hand in your homework after class.下课之后交上作业。

=Don't forget to hand in your homework.Try to translate the sentence.试着翻译一下这个句子。

8. 还可以用情态动词should 或者can表示建议。

如:You should arrive at the station brfore eight o'clock.你应该在八点之前到达车站。

You can go shopping or see a film after work.你可以下班之后去逛街或者看电影。


英语句子翻译:4、你想告诉别人通过听歌学英语 5、你想建议你的同...

Dear ______,①You have asked me for my advice with regard to ______ , and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.②In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ______(建议的内容).③I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.Yours sincerely,Li Ming(这是一个模版,自己填充完善就可以了)


There is a shop at the north gate.when you go into thepark through the north gate,you will find a large square onyour right and you will see lots of trees and flowers aroundyou.in the west of the park,there is a playground.Sometimes some children fly kites on it and some peoplesit on the grass and chat.in the middle of the park,there isa lake.there are many boats on it.there is a hill in theeast of the park.