

2. 随着春天的慢慢来到,时而有小鸟在树上高歌,时而有蜜蜂等待着花开,时而有小草探出脑袋,



被动语态 1. 被动语态 (1). 被动语态表示句子的主语是谓语动词所表示的动作承受者。

(2). 被动语态基本结构:be+及物动词的过去分词 (如果是不用物动词,其过去分词应带有相应的介词) (3). 被动语态中的be 是助动词,有人称、数和时态的变化。

一般现在时被动语态为:am/is/are+过去分词 一般过去时被动语态为:was/were+ 过去分词 与情态动词连用的被动语态:情态动词+ be + 过去分词 (4). 被动语态中动作的发出者或执行者做介词by的宾语,放在句 末,by 表示“由,被”的意思 如何理解被动语态? 为取胜更清晰、更深刻地理解被动语态的含义,可以将主动语态和被动语态的句子结构进行比较。

主动语态: 主语+ 谓语动词 + 宾语 + 其他成分 被动语态: 主语+ be +过去分词 + by +宾语 +其他成分 如: Many people speak English. 被动语态 English is spoken by many people. 4. be used for doing用来做…(是被动语态) 如: Pens are used for writing. 笔是用来写的。

Pens aren't used for eating. 笔不是用来吃的。

5. 给某人某样东西 give sth. to sb. 如:I gave a pen to him. 我给他一支笔。

give sb. sth. I gave him a pen. 我给他一支笔。

6. all day 整天 7. salty adj. 咸的 salt n. 盐 8. by mistake 错误地 如: I took the umbrella by mistake. 我不小心拿错了雨伞。

9. make sb./sth. +形容词 使…怎么样 It made me happy. 它使我高兴 make sb./sth. +名词 让…做… It made me laugh. 它让我发笑 10. by accident 意外 偶然 I met her by accident at bus stop. 我在公共汽车站意外地见到了她。

11. not…until… 直到…才做… 如: I didn't go to bed until I finished my work. 我直到完成我的工作才去睡觉。

12. according to +名词 根据… 如: according to an legend according to this article根据这篇文章 根据一个神话 13. over an open fire 野饮 14. leaf n. 叶子 复数形式 leaves 15. nearby adj. 附近的 如: the nearby river 16. fall into 落入 掉进 如:The leaf fell into the river. 叶子落入了河里。

fall down 摔倒 如:She fell down from her bike. 她从她自行车摔倒了。

17. quite 非常 adv. 与冠词a连用时,冠词a必须放在它的后面 如: quite a beautiful girl 一个漂亮的女孩 very 非常 adv. 与冠词a连用时,冠词a必须放在它的前面 如: a very beautiful girl 一个漂亮女孩 注:当不与冠词a 连用时,两者可以互用 如: I am very happy.=== I am quite happy. 我非常高兴。

18. in the way 这样 19. pleased adj. 表示外部因素引起人发自内心的欣慰和愉快 pleasant adj. 愉快 高兴 指天气、时间、旅行令人高兴愉快 please v. 使高兴 使同意 20. battery—operated adj. 电池控制的 是名词+动词的运动分词构成的合成形容词 21. in the sixth century 在第6世纪 22. travel around 周游 23. more than === over 超过 如: more than 300 == over 300 超过300 24. including prep. 介词 包括 可以与名词和动名词连用 如: Six people, including a baby, were hurt. 6个人包括一个小孩受伤了。

25. have been played 被上演 是现在完成时的被动语态 现在完成时的被动语态的结构:have /has been +过去分词 26. be born 出生 He was born in Canada. 他在加拿大出生 27. safety n. 安全 safe adj. 安全的 28. knock into 撞上(某人) 29. divide sth. into … 将…划分成.. 通常指将一个整体分成几个对应相对的部分 如: Let's divide ourselves into 4groups. 让我们把我们自己划成4组。

30. since then 自从那以后 常与完成时态连用 如: Since then, I have left Beijing. 自从那以后,我已经离开了北京。



Once upon a time warm.2.这些裙子使用丝绸做的。

The dressessilk。



English in Australia。


The compositionat once。

5.作业完成了吗?Has the homework 6.这张沙发摸起来很硬。

The sofa 。


The accident。


1. The bridge was built last year. 2. The Olympic Games was held every four years.3. The problem is being discussed at the meeting now. 4. His new book will be published next month. 5. The classroom has been not cleaned yet. 6. The machine was being repaired at this time yesterday. 7.She said the report had been typed by Li Mei for two weeks.8. Miss Li said the book would be given to the students the next morning. 9. By the end of next term, two thousand English words have been learned ________. 10.He said the project __had been finished________ by 2010.

完成时的被动语态 的句子20句 好的多加10分

The book has been read by all the students here.I have been excited during the trip.The thief has been caught.The dogs have been treated badly.His homework has already been done. This book has been translated into many languages. 。

His bikes have been sold out. Our classroom has been cleaned, you needn't clean it now.These flowers have been watered, you can go home.His bike has been stolenNot a book in the library has been taken awayMy watch has been repairedEnough has been said here on this question. Has this bridge been finished? His homework hasn't been finished. The blackboard has been cleaned, hasn't it? They have asked him some questions. (他们问了他一些问题)He has been asked some questions. (他被问了一些问题): He has eaten the cake. (他把蛋糕吃了)The cake has been eaten by him. (蛋糕被他吃了)Someone has set fire to the house。

(有人曾放火烧了那房子)The house has been set fire to. ( 那房子已被人放火烧了): We haven't heard from her since then. (从那时候起,我们就没收到过她的来信): She hasn't been heard from since then. 不懂继续追问,望采纳,谢谢




被动语态:1.The dog was hit by Mr. Chen.2. You were seen by my sister last night.3. The book was sent to me by her.4. Those two novels were written by Dickens.5. All of the apples were eaten by the children.6. The little girl is loved by everyone in the school.7. English will be taught by him.8. I had been called by him before you came.9. The piano can be played by me.10.Who is going to be visited by Peter?现在完成时:1. I have read this book.2. She has washed her shoes.3. He has studied English for five years.4. He has already finished his homework.5. I have not seen him since 2005.6. I have loved rock and roll music since I was a child.7. It has not rained for a long time.8. I have already received your letter.9. Although he is very young, he has already written three novels.10. She called him twice, he has never answered.




1. 定义:被动语态,即不知道动作执行者或强调动作承受者的一种语态。


但有时由于句子结构上的需要也要用被动,例如It is not unusual for workers in that region to be paid more than a month it 在句中作形式主语。

而不定式to be paid more than a month是句子的逻辑主语。


2. 构成:be+past participle(过去分词)(简称P.P.)(过去分词的概念见上课)3. 当主动语态要被改成被动的时候,我们把原句的宾语提前,作为改句的主语,主语后置,作为宾语。


例如The fire had been put out before the fireman arrived. Put是不即物动词,但put out是及物动词4. 应用到各种时态和句型如下:① 一般式(一般现在,一般过去,一般将来):am, is, are, was, were, is going to be , will be+done.ie. Once environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the system to recover. 本句的意思是:“环境一旦遭到破坏,需要多年时间才能恢复过来。

”do作为及物动词有“引起,产生”的含义,do damage的意思是“造成破坏”。


同样的,还有,I will mend the machine.相当于The machine will be mended .② 进行时(现在进行、过去进行、将来进行):be+being+P.P. ie.The classroom is being cleaned.③ 完成时(现在完成、过去完成、将来完成):have/has been + P.P.:例如The machine will have been repaired by 3 o'clock this afternoon.再如:My homework has been finished.④ 其他时态依词类推,可得到结果。

⑤ 情态动词的被动语态:主语 + 情态动词 + be动词 + 动词过去分词,例如Your teeth must be brushed.⑥ 不定式的被动语态:to be done例:The no-shows have to be considered when deciding the rate of overbooking.(确定超过接待能力的预定时必须考虑预定了房间却来不了的客人。

) Ⅱ、主动语态变为被动的几个特殊情况 ① 有些动词在主动结构中,后面接不带to的不定式,但如果改为被动,则需把省略的to加上,这类动词有hear, watch, make, help, let等,如:The boss made my grandfather work 10hours a day.改成My grandfather was made to work for 10 hours a day.② 含有宾语从句的主动结构变为被动,通常用it作为被动结构的先行主语,从句放在句子后面/也可采用另一种形式,这类动词有:know, say, believe, find, think, report等 ③ 是所有的主动句都可以变换成被动句,更不是所有的被动句都可以自由变换成主动句。



例:At 5:05 p.m. on Saturday 19th July , there was an accident at the junction of the Main Street and Panda Road when a boy was knocked down off his bicycle by a delivery van. The boy was sent to St. Maria Hospital where he was treated for shock and a broken arm.在这段文章里,a boy was knocked down off his bicycle by a delivery van这句被动句强调出读到文章的人最关心的事故的受害者。

The boy was sent to St. Maria Hospital这句话则说明了孩子被送到医院的事实,至于是由谁(某个过路人?或肇事司机?)送的不重要。

he was treated for shock and a broken arm这句被动句无须说出treat这个动作的发出者,因为在医院,伤病员自然由医务人员处理,无须罗嗦。


④ 有些动词可以有两个宾语,在用于被动结构时,可以把主动结构中的一个宾语变为主语,另一个宾语仍然保留在谓语后面。




如His father left him this house.改为This house was left him by his father.⑤ 有些动词虽为及物,但宾语并非是动作承受者,不能转换,这些动词有have, hold(容纳),suit, fit, lack, become(适合)contain, cost, last, mean, suffice(足够)等。

⑥ 当直接宾语为反身代词、相互代词或宾语前有指代主语的物主代词时不用被动,如I shook my head.我摇摇头。

⑦ 当宾语为同源宾语(与主句指同一人),动名词,动词不定式或一个从句时不用被动。

如John enjoyed seeing the fil,.⑧ 在一些固定说法中,有些名词和动词结合的固定说法,不能改We Chinese always keep our word.⑨ 某些从不及物动词转化来的及物动词,直接宾语在表示动作的方式或效果时,这些动词在意思上起状语的作用,没有被动The girl kissed her boyfriend good night=The girl said good night to her boyfriend by kissing him.⑩ 表地点\处所\组织\长度\大小\数量\程度\...

高中英语,完成句子,He was observed

1、现在完成时 He has written 10 diaries。

10 diaries has been written by him。

2、过去完成时 They had written 1000 words。

1000 words had been written by them。

3、现在进行时 I am writing a blog。

A blog is being written by me。

4、一般现在时 She writes to her mother every week。

Her mother is written to every week。

5、过去将来时 Tom would write to you the next day。

You would be written to by Tom the next day。

6、过去将来完成时 I would have written 5 compositions before he came back the next week。

5 compositions would have been written by me before he came back the next week。

7、将来完成时 They will have written 2000 words at the end of this year。

2000 words will have been written by them at the end of this year。

求被动语态的句子 一般将来 过去将来 现在完成 过去完成的句子 句子里...

1.A new park will be built here next year.2.A library was going to be built the next year.3.Two bridges have been built over the river since last year.4.He said a park had been built in front of his house.希望对你有帮助,祝你进步。


被动语态常用的八种时态 1. 一般现在时 People grow rice in the south of the states. Rice is grown in the south of the states. The school doesn't allow us to enter the chemistry lab without a teacher. We are not allowed to enter the chemistry lab without a teacher. 2. 一般过去时 They agreed on the building of a new car factory last month. The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month. He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. And the students didn't forget his lessons easily. He had a strange way of making his classes lively and his lessons were not easily forgotten. 3. 一般将来时 They will send cars abroad by sea. Cars will be sent abroad by sea. They will give plenty of jobs to school-leavers. Plenty of jobs will be given to school-leavers. 4. 过去将来时 The manager said they would complete the project by the end of the year. The manager said the project would be completed by the end of the year. The workers told me they would mend the car as soon as possible. The workers told me that the car would be mended as soon as possible. 5. 现在进行时 The radio is broadcasting English lessons. English lessons are being broadcasted on the radio. ——Have you moved into the new house? ——Not yet. We are painting the rooms. The rooms are being painted. 6. 过去进行时 ——Why didn't they drive there on time? ——Because the workers were mending the road. Because the road was being mended. This time last year we were planting trees here. Trees were being planted here this time last year. 7. 现在完成时 Someone has told me the sports meet might be put off. I have been told the sports meet might be put off. We have brought down the price. The price has been brought down. 8. 过去完成时 When I got to the theatre, I found they had already sold out the tickets. When I got to the theatre, I found the tickets had already been sold out. The whole country was very sad at the news of his death; People had considered him to be a great leader. He had been considered to be a great leader. 9. 含有情态动词的被动语态 含有情态动词的被动语态是由“情态动词+ be+ 及物动词的过去分词”构成。

The teacher said, “You must hand in your compositions after class. ” The teacher said, “Your compositions must be handed in after class. ” He can write a great many letters with the computer. A great many letters can be written with the computer by him. 求采纳!!