
同义句转换 翻译句子

一、同义句转换前两题正确:should do sth = be supposed to do sth,意思是“应该/应当做某事”。

但是后两题不对,be supposed to do sth没有be allowed to do sth或can do sth的意思。

可以分别改成:3. are forbidden to4. aren't allowed/permitted to 或 are forbidden to 或 mustn't二、翻译句子1. first time有误,应该改成:for the first time2. 正确3. 错误,主语搞笑了,呵呵(介词短语不能做句子主语),可以写成:Playing football isn't allowed in the classroom.4. an hour ago不对,ago一般只用于一般过去时。

可以改成:They are supposed to arrive/get/reach here an hour ahead/earlier.或:They are supposed to have arrived here an hour ahead/earlier.


1. 同义句转换就是把一个句子用另外一种结构表达出来,当然要保证句意不能改变。

2. My father goes to work by bike. 我爸骑自行车上班。

= My father goes to work on his bike.= My father goes to work on a bike.= My father takes a bike to work.= My father rides to work.



现以近两年中考题为例,分类介绍如下: [第一类] 改成否定句 英语中有关否定的结构各不相同,除动词部分构成的否定外,还有名词、代词的否定、部分否定、否定转移、以及一些表示否定意义的短语或句型等。



) 1. He was late for school yesterday. He wasn't late for school yesterday. 2. The students of No.2 Middle School have gone for a picnic already. The students of No.2 Middle School haven't gone for a picnic yet. 二、祈使句变否定句一般在其前加don't。

如: 3. Open the window. Don't open the window. 三、实义动词的否定式是在实义动词前加don't, doesn't, didn't等。

如: 4. She does the housework every day. She doesn't do the housework every day. 5. He returned the book to the library this morning. He didn't return the book to the library this morning. 注意:变否定句时须注意某些词语的变化,如some改为any, something改为anything, already改为yet, both改为neither, all改为none等。

又如: 6. Both of them are my best friends. Neither of them is my best friend. [第二类] 改为疑问句 可分为一般疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。


含有实义动词的句子,在实义动词前加do, does, did等。


如: 7. There's something to eat in the cupboard. Is there anything to eat in the cupboard? 8. Kate does morning exercises every day. Does Kate do morning exercises every day? 9. Ann returned the book to the library yesterday. Did Ann return the book to the library yesterday? 二、变选择疑问句时,如果该句是一般疑问句,则在后面直接加“or+另一选择部分”就行了;若是陈述句,则要先变成一般疑问句。

如: 10. John is an American. (用a Canadian改为选择疑问句)(2004新疆) Is John an American or a Canadian? 三、变反意疑问句时,要注意“前肯后否”和“前否后肯”,还要注意一些特殊形式的反意疑问句。

如: 11. She has hardly had anything this morning, has she? 12. You will meet your friends at the railway station, won't you? 13. She had nothing for breakfast, did she? 14. There was no time for the twins to go shopping, was there? [第三类] 单数句与复数句之间的互变 转化时,名词和动词的人称和数,人称代词、物主代词、指示代词的人称和数都要作相应的变化。

如: 15. That is my book. Those are our books. 16. She is his student. They are their students. [第四类] 变感叹句 将陈述句变成感叹句,要分以下几步: 第一步:在陈述句的谓语动词后将句子划断。

如:The boxes are/very heavy. 第二步:斜线后的形容词、副词的修饰语要去掉,如上句去掉very。





于是上句应改为:How heavy the boxes are!又如: 17. They are happy to see each other. How happy they are to see each other! [第五类] 同义转换 指用不同的词汇、短语、句型表示相同或相近的意思。

它主要有以下几种变化: 一、用同义词(词组)、近义词(词组)替换句中的某一部分。

如: 18. Lin Tao is good at physics. Lin Tao does well in physics. 19. It took him two hours to play with computers last night. He spent two hours playing with computers last night. 二、用反义词 (词组) 或句型改写。

如: 20. I think art is less important than maths. I don't think art is more important than maths. 21. The runner fell behind the others though he did what he could. The runner failed to keep up with the others though he tried his best. 三、简单句和并列句与复合句等句式间的转换。

如: 22. My father isn't a history teacher. My mother isn't a history teacher, either. Neither my father nor my mother is a history teacher. 23. Jim can't decide what he should do next. Jim can't decide what to do next. 24. David was so careless that he didn't find the mistakes in his test paper. David ...


保证准确率!1. My eyes are big.2. Her hair is long.3. His feet are small.4. Their faces are round.5. Your hair is black.6. Its legs are short.7. Our ears are small.8. Their heads are big.9. Her face is long.10. Its nose is long.另外,也可以直接把这10个题目的have都改成have got,而has都改为has got.如果对你有所帮助,敬请点击页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!


一、运用同义词(组)进行转换 用同义词或同义词组对原句中的某些词或词组进行替换,注意转换后的词或词组的词形变化要与句子其他成分相适应。

如: 1. That day we could see flowers here and there. That day we could see flowers __________. 分析:答案为everywhere。

everywhere与here and there都表示“到处”。

2. The teacher always takes good care of the children in the school. The teacher always_______ ______the children well in the school. 分析:答案为looks after。

take good care of与look after…well都表示“好好照顾”。

二、运用反义词(组)的否定式进行转换 即用反义词或词组的否定式表达与原句相同的意思,主要考查学生对反义词(词组)的积累和换位思维的能力。

如: 1. It's clear that this visit is different from last time. It's clear that this visit is not the___ ___last time. 分析:答案为same as。

be different from意为“与……不同”;the same as意为“与……相同”,其否定式与be different from同义。

2. I think wealth is less important than health. I ___ think wealth is ___ important than health. 分析:答案为don't,more。

less important的意思是“没有(不及)……重要”;more important的意思是“(比)……更重要”,该结构与not连用,则表示“不比……更重要”。


如: He lent some money to his friend. He friend ___ some money ___ him. 分析:答案为borrowed,from。



三、运用不同语态进行转换 即运用主动语态与被动语态的变化来转换同义词,但此时要特别注意时态、动词一致性。

如: 1. Everyone should give back his library books on time. Library books should____ ____ ____ on time. 分析:答案为be given back。


2. It is widely accepted that more people use computers in the world today. Computers ____ widely ___ in the world today. 分析:答案为are,used。


四、非延续性动词与延续性动词的相互转换 即非延续性动词与延续性动词进行转换,此时往往会涉及时态的变化。

如: 1. The manager left two hours ago. The manager _____ ____ ____ for two hours. 分析:答案为has been away。

leave为非延续性动词,不能与for two hours这样的一段时间连用,而改成be away这样的延续性动词后,则可连用一段时间。

2. The film began five minutes ago. The film has been _____ _____ five minutes. 分析:答案为on for。

has been提示时态是现在完成时态,“for+时间段”表示“持续(一段时间)”,常用在含有现在完成时态的句子里。

3. Mr Li joined the Party twenty years ago. Mr Li _____ _____ _____ the Party for twenty years. 答案:has been in。

短暂动词join,意为“参加、加入(组织,政党)”,不能与延续时间状语连用,与延续性时间状语连用时,将join改成be in或be a member in…。

五、运用不同引语进行转换 即将直接引语变为间接引语或将间接引语转换成直接引语。


如: 1. “I've found my wallet,” he said to me. He _________ me that he _________ _________ his wallet. 分析:答案为told,had found。


2. “Did you see her last week?” he said. He _______ _______ I had seen her the week _______. 分析:答案为asked if/ whether, before。


六、运用简单句与复合句之间的转换 即将简单句变成同义的复合句或将复合句变成同义的简单句。

如: 1. We didn't go out for a walk because it was raining. We didn't go out for a walk _______ _______ the rain. 分析:答案为because of。

将原因状语从句because it was raining改为表示原因的介词短语because of the rain。

2. He was so excited that he couldn't go to sleep. He was ______ ______ ______ go to sleep. 分析:答案为too excited to。


3. Now I will show you how to do the work. Now I will show you ______ ______ ______ do the work. 分析:答案为how you can。


4. You should put them back after you use them. You should put them back _____ _____ them. 分析:答案为after using。


七、运用并列句与复合句之间的转换 即将并列句变成同义的复合句或将复合句变成同义的并列句。

如: 1. Come on, or we'll miss the early bus. ____ we ____ hurry, we'll miss the early bus. 分析:答案为...









【经典范例引路】例1 The old man stood there and didn't know what he should do next. The old man stood there and didn't know do next.简析:下一句要填的两个空与上句的 What he should对应。


上句know后是宾语从句,下句两个空应填what to,是疑问句+动词不定式结构。

例2 Hurry up, or you'll miss the early bus.we , you'll miss the early bus.简析:原句是祈使句,要完成的句子有三个空,且多了一个主语,要用三个空表示“Hurry up, or”的意思。

而原句中的or是表示条件的,下一句理应改为条件状语从句:“If we don't hurry”。

例3 Their football team is much stronger than the other two.Their football team is of the .简析:本题原句是个比较级句型,而转换后的句型根据“of”的标志应是最高级句型。

因为从句意上看是有三个足球队,空格处填the strongest; three, 意思与原句相同。