
I don't have any special talent, but I just like to pursue problems from the bottom.


When you read the book to find himself into the depths of things, the other all thrown away.


The emotion and desire are all human efforts and create the impetus behind this effort, no matter present in front of us and create the appearance is so superb.


One's real value first lies in to what degree and he in what sense of self liberation.


Scientific research seems to drill wood, some people love diamond thin; and I love the thick drill.


Know the goal of the school is to cultivate independent thinking and action of the people.


The only reason there is time, so it will not all things happen at the same time.


I want to do is to help my poor service for truth and justice.


A man can do is make a good example, to have the courage to hold in the social ethical beliefs groundless talk.


Only dedication to the community, to find out that in fact there is risk of short-term and the meaning of life.


Physics concept is the free product of the human mind, it is not completely determined by the external world, regardless of whether it seems so.


Insanity: repeatedly doing the same thing, and expecting different results.


One's real value, first of all depends on him to what extent and in what sense of self liberation.


Read too much, but the mind is too little, too lazy to fall into the habit of thinking.


The value of a person, should see what his contribution, and should not look at what he achieved.


I have to do is take my meager power to serve the truth and justice, even if people do not love it.


To a person, expect nothing, but only he can go all out and devote himself to a good cause.


A man was made until the last breath entranced life, this is really lucky.


Have lighted my way, and constantly give me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty and truth.


A person to social value, first of all depends on his feelings, thoughts and actions to promote the human benefits have much effect.


A person in the process of scientific research, made a detour, made a mistake, is not a bad thing, but not what shame, in practice, the courage to admit and correct mistakes.


Do you want to know the essence of the scientific method, listen not to what one scientist said to you, but to look carefully at what he was doing.


Learn to be good at thinking, thinking, thinking, I just rely on this method of learning to become a scientist.


The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It is just to solve the problems of an existing work has become more urgent.


The most beautiful things in the world, more than a few minds and the mind are just solemn friend.


Life will give you what you need, as long as you keep to it, as long as you want it to say when the crystal clear.


The value of life, he should see what contribution, rather than what he achieved.


The key is: the development of children's cognition as eager desire, and this will lead to important social field of children.


Don't try to become a man of success, try to become a man of value.


The goal of the school should be the cultivation of independent thinking and action, however they should take the service to society as their highest goal in life.


I have no what special talents, but love end plane roots to pursue the issue.


In terms of truth and knowledge, any authority who will collapse in God's drama laugh!


Learn to be good at thinking, thinking, thinking. I was on the way to become a scientist.


Not everything that counts can be counted, not everything can be calculated can count.


Learn to be good at thinking, thinking, thinking again. I was on the way to become a scientist.