1、do 用在肯定句或祈使句中,加强语气,翻译为“务必、一定”

2、助动词do强调谓语动词的用法,在肯定句中,助动词do可用来强调谓语动词。带有感情色彩,可译成“真的、的确 “

例:You do look nice today. 你今天看起来真漂亮.。


  1. Do what?


很多人都认为当你听不懂别人在讲什么时只能说,"Excuse me?" 、"Pardon?"或是"I'm sorry?"其实在日常的生活美语当中还有很多其它的选择。比方像是,"What's that?" 和 "Do what?"这样的用法都是我自己常听老美说的。

2. You can't do me like this.


从这句话的字面上看起来,并不难猜出do在这里有「对待某人」的意思,也就相当于treat这个词。比方说某个女生把男朋友给甩了,他就可以哭着求她,"Please, you cannot do me like this."

3. Everything will do.


Do 这里很难解释,但如果我们看整个句子,"Everything will do." 就是说任何东西都算数。比方妈妈交代你去帮她买青菜,你问她要买哪一种青菜,她回答你,"Everything will do, as long as it's green." 意思就是只要是绿色的蔬菜,通通都可以。

4. He is doing his master degree in Madison.


「攻读」某一个学位最正式的用法是pursue这个字。比方你说,"I will definitely pursue my Ph.D. degree after I graduate." 但是在口语中的讲法,do要远比pursue来得容易地多了。比方你说,"I am doing my master degree in Chemical Engineering."

5. Sometimes, you really want to do it but you can't.


Do it有时候可以当成发生性行为 一种非常婉转的说法,而这样的手法在电视电影当中可说是屡见不鲜。比方要是你听到老美说,"I really want to do it with Richard Gere." 你说她到底想跟李查吉尔做什么?难不成是一起打网球,或是一起看电影?呵... 别太纯洁了,这个do it当然就是指have sex的意思了。

6. Let's do Rachel.


这句话是我从六人行 里学来的。比方说一群人在玩猜别人小秘密的游戏,而下一个轮到猜Rachel的秘密,这时你要怎么说?你可以说,"It's Rachel's turn."不过比较好的说法应该是,"Let's do Rachel!"在这里do someone有谈论某人,猜他的秘密等等的多重意思在内。

7. Yes, I do want to go.


Do 可以用来强调自己的意愿,比方说你跟朋友约好要去攀岩,朋友看出你似乎不是很想去的样子,问你,"Do you really want to go?" 你可以说 "Yes, I do want to go." 加上这个do可以强调你的意志非常坚定。

8. We like to do our laundry on Sunday.


也许很多人都知道do the laundry就是洗衣服,但是可能不知道do这个词有「清洁」的意思在内。比方说 "Let me help you do the dishes after dinner." 这里do the dishes就是「洗碗盘」的意思。所以下次如果当你再听到老美说,"Let's do the kitchen before we move out."时,你就不会觉得太惊讶,因为这里的do the kitchen就是clean the kitchen的意思。

9. Let's do three in this car and four in that car.


Do 在作「分配」的动作时也非常地有用喔!比方小气男约女孩子出去,回家之前小气男说,"Let's do sixty forty." 这是什么意思呢?就是说我们六四分帐吧!。当然不只在分配钱时很有用,在分配人头时do 也适用的。出个难题,今天有二男二女一起玩比手划脚的游戏,而你想提议男生跟男生一队,女生跟女生一队,这种情况你要怎么表达?最简单的说法就是,"Let's do boy-boy and girl-girl." 嗯,一点都不困难吧?换个角度来说,如果你想要一男一女一队,用同样类似do的句型,你可以说,"Let's do boy-girl and boy-girl." 这就是do好用的地方啦!

10. I am willing to do the flags with other girls.


最后想跟大家分享关于一个do的用法,就是它可以当成「表演、演出」来解释,相当于perform这个字。特别是在口语中,比方说「耍」大旗,不好翻吧?其实这就是一种表演,因此你只要告诉人家,do the flags就行了。再比方说吧,参加话剧表演,你说我想扮演王子,这又要怎么说呢?还是一样简单,你只要告诉别人, "I want to do the Prince" 就行啦

祈祷句和以doing或to do开头的句子有什么区别?

动词原型开头的是祈使句,而祈使句的特点就是要求,请求,命令别人做某事,你填空的时候,可以简单翻译一下,就知道是不是要求请求命令别人做某事了,如果不是,那么可以填doing,to do,其中to do有一定的目的性,基本上区别不大.相信我,我是老师

有哪些like to do的句子,有哪些like+不可数名词的句型,有哪些like+可...

I like to watch TV.I like to play basketball/ football.I like to eat fruit for dinner.只要表示喜欢做某事 就可以用 like to do 或者like doing.I like watching TVI like healthy food.I like ice cream/ bread/ I don't like rice/ chicken/ salad.喜欢某物 若为不可数名词则直接加喜欢某物若为 可数名词 则需用可数名词复数He likes vegetables.My sister doesn't like hamburgers.I like apples and strawberries.




还是说do sth. want sb. to do. sht 这样的?这样的话是用原型。





如:He did his homework last weekend.这句话是说他在上个星期做他的家庭作业,do也变成了did.而且这句话中的do表示的是动词不是助动词。

do Chinese Kungfu do some cleanning等时候都是要变型的。













简单的for循环#includevoid main{for ;}}#includevoid main{for //倒计数 { printf; } }2,while语句while语句也叫while循环,他不断地执行一个语句块,直到条件为假为止。





简单的while循环#includevoid main{int count = 1;while ;count++;}}3,do...while语句在C语句中,直到型循环的语句是do...while,它的一般形式为:do statement while其中语句通常为复合语句,称为循环体。



简单的do...while循环# include void main{int count = 1;do{printf;}while;}


Do you like playing tennis? Yes,I do. / No, I don't.Does he like playing tennis? Yes,he does, / No, he doesn't.Doyou go to school on foot?Yes,I do. / No, I don't.Doeshe go to school on foot?Yes,he does, / No, he doesn't.Do you have an eraser?Yes,I do. / No, I don't.Does she have an eraser?Yes, shedoes, / No, she doesn't.Do you often go shopping on weekends?Yes,I do. / No, I don't.Does she often go shopping on weekends?Yes, shedoes, / No, she doesn't.Do you go swimming in summer?Yes,I do. / No, I don't.Does Tom go swimming in summer?Yes,he does, / No, he doesn't....



I make you do it.I make him dance.I make you sing this song.He made me work long.You made me go out.My mother made me go shopping.My father made me do some housework.They made me stay at home.We made them stay outside.We often make them work long.亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!...


1,Madam President, I would like to ask a simple supplementary question about materials.主席,我现在想就材料方面提出一项简单的补充质询。

2,All right, if it ok , we would like to sign an agency agreement with you immediately.那好,如果可以,我们会与你们立即签订代理协议3,There's a great deal of intermixing that goes on,but not as much as I would like to see at this point.下这让学生在很大程度上融入了中国社会,但和我希望从这一点上看到相比还不够……4,Congressman Frank has said he would like to see substantial progress on financial system reforms in coming months.弗兰克众议员表示,他希望在今后几个月里看到金融制度的改革取得实质性进展。

5,President Bush stressed once again that while he would like to see the violence end, any cease-fire must be durable and respected by all.布什总统再次强调,虽然他希望暴力冲突结束,但是任何停火必须是能够持久的,而且受到所有各方的尊重。

6,What he would like to see is a return of more conservative, old-fashioned banking practices.他希望看到的是恢复老式的、保守的银行做法。

7,Although I plan to be at my own expense , I still would like to know if there's any scholarship for a student aboard.虽然我打算自费,但我很有兴趣想了解一下对留学生是否有任何的奖学金。

8, In order to make best use of my time, I would like to be able to use your library facilities , I'm writing to ask for your kind permission.为了最充分地利用好我的时间,我很想能够使用贵图书馆的设施,我写信的目的就是想征得您的许可。

9,I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Monica to our company and introduce her to her department and colleagues.下载MP3我很高兴,有这个机会,Monica可以来到我们的团队,并有幸将她介绍给在坐的诸位。

10,If I have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved my wellbeing, I would like to share them with you.下载MP3如果我发现条件或选择的生活,大大改善了我的幸福,我想与大家分享他们与您联系。

11 It seems to me that he would like to go home.下载MP3我觉得他好象想要回家。

12 So, you would like to know how much it would cost to upgrade your current system, is that correct?下载MP3所以你现在想知道升级你现在的系统要花多少钱,对吗?13 It would be forum for people's ideas about what they would like to see on a giant screen of this type.下载MP3还可以有个论坛,讨论人们希望在这个巨大的屏幕上看到什么。

14 They would like to see further proof that the bank is using the resources it has efficiently before thinking about more.下载MP3他们希望先看到更多证据证明世界银行有效地使用了资源然后再考虑资本注入。

15 As much as I would like to see a redistribution of government expenditures toward infrastructure and education, the problem is we are broke.下载MP3我很想看到政府重新应用指出于基建和教育,但问题是我们破产了。

16 That fragmentation is a structural inefficiency in the market, he said, one he would like to help correct.下载MP3这种分散的状况导致结构性的市场效率不高,他说,他想要来改变这样的现状。

17 And what I would like to maybe invite you to do by the end of this talk, is explore where you are today, for two reasons.下载MP3我想要也许请你在这个演讲结束时,探索今天你在生命中所处的位置。

18 And yet, many Darwinians are anxious, a little uneasy, would like to see some limits on just how far the Darwinism goes.下载MP3可是很多达尔文主义者都有点急切不安,想看看达尔文主义的极限,看它到底能走多远。

19 And it really highlighted something that I would like to ask you guys to think about and hopefully to help with.下载MP3而且它真的突出了一些我希望的事情我希望大家能够去思考而且希望大家能给予帮助。

20 Well, before before we wrap it up, she would like to give a shout out to all our animal friends back at the Knoxville Zoo.下载MP3(鼓掌)在我们结束之前,她希望问候所有在我们诺克斯威尔动物园的动物朋友们。

21 Now, I have two questions I would like to ask these people if I had the opportunity to do so.下载MP3我有两个问题我要向这类人发问如果我有这个机会。

22 We would like to be able to understand better.下载MP3我们总是希望更好的理解。

23 We would like to attention your shoerooms to see a demonstration and decided which machine would be best for office use.下载MP3我们想到贵方的展览室观看示范操作,再决定哪种机器最适合办公室用。

24 She now has between seven and ten cleaners working for her and would like to expand, but banks are not lending, she says.下载MP3她说,如今她有7到10个清洁员为她打工,她想扩张公司,可是银行不愿放贷。

25 More than one-third of consumers we surveyed say they would like to take action against climate change ...