不开心的心情用英语怎么表达,请欣赏小编为你整理的一些关于不开心的英文短句子 不开心的英语说说,希望大家喜欢啊
1、有的时候,之所以哭泣,并不是因为软弱,而是因为坚强太久。 Sometimes, crying is not because of weakness, but because it is too strong for too long.
2、当季节偷偷交换,任大街曲曲折折地重重叠叠,也转不回昨天。 When the season is secretly exchanged, Ren Street twists and turns and overlaps and turns back to yesterday.
3、我没有倾城容貌,我没有万贯家财,我有的只不过是一腔孤勇。 I do not have a look of the city, I do not have a wealth of money, I have nothing but a cavity alone.
4、人生一如凝望着无言的风景,总是说不出的感觉和疼痛最扎人。 Life is like staring at a silent landscape. It is always hard to say that the feeling and pain are the most important.
5、在我们懵懂的时候,总会有这么个人,让我们为他犯贱很多年。When we are ignorant, there will always be such a person who lets us be cheap for him for many years.
6、有些人。多你一个不多。少你一个不少。没你我照样过得很好。 Some people. Not many of you. You are a lot less. I still had a good time without you.
7、时间一样像流年一样走了。只是我们的脚步跟不上拥有的幸福。 Time is the same as fleeting time. It is just that our footsteps can not keep up with the happiness we have.
8、也许我只是你的一个配饰,你不需要在任何时候我都可以丢弃。 Maybe I'm just a accessory for you. You don't need to throw it away any time.
9、原谅,不过是将遗憾悄悄掩埋;忘记,才是最深刻彻底的宽容。 Forgiveness is the most profound and thorough tolerance.
10、爱情是场及时雨突然便降临,侧耳聆听心,就会变得无限透明。 Love is a timely rain coming suddenly. Listening to your heart will become infinitely transparent.
11、被在乎的人忽略,会难过,而更难过的是还要装作根本不在乎。 Those who are ignored will be sad, and even more upset is to pretend they don't care.
12、曾经试着用微笑细数你给的伤,无奈最后泪却随微笑流出眼眶。 I tried to count your wounds with a smile, but the last tear came out of my eyes with a smile.
13、我讨厌你那么悲伤,喜欢把什么事情都放在心里,不愿跟我说。 I hate you so sad, like to put everything in my heart, do not want to tell me.
14、我很想知道。如果我对你说出了心里话,你给我的态度是怎样。 I really want to know. If I tell you the truth, what do you mean to me?
15、如果爱我你会痛苦,我宁愿放开你的手,真的,舍不得让你疼。 If you love me, you will be pain, I would rather open your hand, really, reluctant to let you pain.